MICE Collaboration Meeting |
Thursday 27 March | |
9:00 - 10:15 Parallel Sessions | |
Absorber and Focus Coil
Room 17-1-007 |
Integration WG (M. Zisman) |
10:15 - 10:40 Coffee | |
10:40 - 12:30 Parallel Sessions | |
14:00 - 15:45 Plenary | |
MICE experimental programme | Rob Edgecock |
Reweighting of bunches | Robert Palmer |
Software project status | Yagmur Torun |
15:45 - 16:10 Coffee | |
16:10 - 18:00 Plenary | |
Status of reconstruction codes | |
SciFi | Ed McKigney |
TPG | Gabriella Catanesi |
PID | Steve Kahn |
RF background summary | Yagmur Torun |
Status of speakers bureau | Ken Long |
18:00 - 20:00 Collaboration Board | |
Status of fund requests (UK/US/Italy/Belgium/Netherlands/France/Switzerland/Japan) | |
Collaboration charter and organization | Peter Dornan |
Common funds | Lucie Linssen |
Friday 28 March | |
9:00 - 10:15 Parallel Sessions | |
Room 14-4-030 |
V. Palladino |
10:15 - 10:40 Coffee | |
10:40 - 12:00 Parallel Sessions | |
13:00 - 15:45 Plenary | |
MICE collaboration charter | Peter Dornan |
Possible contributions from Novosibirsk and Russia | Helmut Haseroth |
The PSI decay channel solenoid | Walter Gloor |
Tracking detector discussion | |
Procedures for choice | Ghislain Gregoire |
Results of KEK tests | Akira Sato |
Plans for Sci-Fi prototyping | Geoff Barber |
Status of TPG prototyping | Ugo Gastaldi |
Plans for TPG tests in x-rays | Giulio Saracino |
15:45 - 16:10 Coffee | |
16:10 - 19:00 Plenary | |
Beam line and installation status | Paul Drumm |
The PSI decay channel solenoid | Walter Gloor |
RF power supplies | Roy Church |
Refurbishing the CERN RF | Maurizio Vretenar |
Plans for RF cavity prototype and construction | Derun Li |
20:00 Collaboration Dinner | |
The dinner will be at the Restaurant Le Coq Rouge in St. Genis (on the French side). Price will be 45-50 Euros, drinks included. Please tell Peter Gruber until Tuesday, March 25th if you plan to come (and if you are accompanied) and also let him know if you need a vegetarian meal. Note that the dinner will be in France, in case you need a visa. | |
Saturday 29 March | |
8:30 - 10:15 Plenary | |
Absorber R&D | Mary Anne Cummings/Shigeru Ishimoto |
Hydrogen safety | Elwyn Baynham |
How to change absorbers or absorber thickness | Mike Green |
Absorber/focus coil safety & integration group | Mike Zisman |
Infrastructure @ RAL | Iouri Ivaniouchenkov |
10:15 - 10:40 Coffee | |
10:40 - 13:00 Plenary | |
Magnets | |
Focus Pair | Giles Barr |
Detector solenoid | Pasquale Fabbricatore or Stefania Farinon |
Coupling coil | Mike Green |
Magnetic measurements | Frank Linde, Laurent Chevallier (TBC) |
Particle ID calorimeter | Ludovico Tortora |
Cherenkov counters | Don Summers? |
European Neutrino Factory feasibility study | Ken Peach or Rob Edgecock |
Next events and wrap up | |
13:00 - 16:00 Reserve |