MICE Collaboration Meeting

CERN- 27-29 March 2003



 21 March 2003


building 6-2-024 PS Auditorium



Thursday 27 March



Parallel meetings Absorber and Focus Coil Safety Integration WG (M.Zisman)

            CERN Conference Room 17-1-007


10:15 –10:40 coffee


Parallel meetings



Welcome (C. Wyss TBC)

RAL review: questions to/from the MICE collaboration (TBC)

(Ted Wilson)

MICE experimental programme (Edgecock)

Reweighting of bunches (Palmer)

Software project status (Torun)

15:45-16:10 coffee break

16:10 to 18:00


Status of reconstruction codes (with inefficiencies and mplexing if possible)

Scifi (Ed Mc Kigney)

TPG (Gabriella Catanesi)

PID (Steve Kahn)

RF background summary (Yagmur Torun)

Status of speakers bureau (Ken Long)


Collaboration board

Status of funds requests in UK/US/Italia/Be/NL/France/Swiss/Japan

Collaboration charter and organization (P. Dornan)

Common Funds (Rob invited Lucie Linssen to explain how it works in HEP collaborations)







Friday 28 March


9:00 to 12:00

Parallel meetings Detectors (V. Palladino) (room 14-4-030) agenda

10:15 –10:40



Parallel meetings

è13:00ç  15:45 PS auditorium


MICE collaboration charter (Peter Dornan)

Possible contributions from Novosibirsk and Russia (Haseroth)

    Tracking detector discussion

1.      procedures for choice  (G. Gregoire)

2.      Results of KEK tests (Akira Sato)

3.      Plans for Sci-Fi prototyping (Geoff Barber)

4.      Status of TPG prototyping (Ugo Gastaldi)

5.      plans for TPG tests in X-rays (Saracino)

15:45-16:10 coffee break

16:10 to 19:00


Beam line and installation status (Drumm)

The PSI decay channel solenoid (Walter Gloor)

RF power supplies (Roy Church)

Refurbishing the CERN RF (Maurizio Vretenar)

Plans for RF cavity prototype and construction (Derun Li)

20:00 collaboration dinner


The dinner will be on Friday, 28th at 8p.m. at the Restaurant

"Le Coq Rouge" in St. Genis (on the French side). The price of the

dinner will be 45 to 50 EUROS, drinks included.


Please tell Peter Gruber  until TUESDAY,  March 25th, if you plan to come (and

if you are accompanied). Please tell him as well if you need a vegetarian meal.


Please note: the dinner will be in France, just in case you need a visa.





















Saturday 29 March


8:30 to 10:15


Absorber specifications – provocation (Alain Blondel) 

Absorber R&D (Cummings/Ishimoto)

Hydrogen safety (Elwyn Baynham)

How to change absorbers or absorber thickness (Mike Green)

Absorber / Focus Coils safety & integration group (Mike Zisman)

Infrastructure @ RAL (Iouri Ivaniouchenkov)


10:15 –10:40




Magnets; Focus Pair Giles Barr

Detector solenoid  (Pasquale Fabbricatore or Stefania Farinon)

Coupling coil (Mike Green) 

Magnetic measurements (Frank Linde, Laurent Chevallier TBC)

Particle ID calorimeter (Ludovico Tortora)

Cherenkov counters (Don Summers?)

European Neutrino Factory feasibility study (Ken Peach or Rob)

Next events and wrap up

13:00 – 16:00 Reserve