The world-famous "Passeggiata" from the Geneva Region to Monte-Carlo culminating with the FORMULA1 Grand Prix  in Monaco
Under the auspices of Mike Koratzinos, "The President"


"Horse sense gets you further down the road than horse power"

official pages


Spirit of the event*)

7th Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 1999


1st Ségny-Monte-Carlo Rally 1993*)

8th Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 2000

®SMCR 2000

 2d Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 1994*)

9th  Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 2001 addendum

®SMCR 2001

3d Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 1995*)

10th Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 2002


 4th Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 1996*)

11th Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 2003


5th Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally 1997**)



6th Ségny Monte-Carlo Rally1998***)



*) courtesy Theodosis Papathanasiadis
Segny-MC web page

English design for an auto contest:
 logo from Roger and Jane, 2001

Ever so true wisdom for an ever so friendly competition:
 motto by John 'Tulip Blues' Gawler, 2002



**) what is remembered of the 1997 Rally:
(please scan your photos and send them with memories!)
Organized by Clara and André
Went through Mt Blanc Tunnel to Italy. 
(Great) treasure hunt in a Val d’Aoste Valley
DS broke down for its first appearance
Passed Col de Tende
Spent two nights in Castellar
Schumi won the F1 GP in the rain
but it is not clear who won the SMCRally.

***) what is remembered of the 1998 Rally:
(please scan your photos and send them with memories!)
Organized by Mike
Alain&Erm dropped at the last minute
1st appearance of the Porsche Boxter
First night at Fossetti’s in Ticino
Tulips were replaced by photographs and everybody got lost
Hakkinen won the F1 GP in the sun
but it is not clear who won the SMCRally