MEMORANDUM Executive Summary HARP collaborators have intensively worked during more than two years to overcome challenges related to timescale, hardware, data-taking, software, detector performance, and now (finally) physics analysis. The preparation of the iDST is advancing with the help of all sub-detectors and will allow to distribute the analysis effort between the institutes. Thus we can now expect relevant physics publications in a reasonable time scale --certainly before the end of the year--. Those forthcoming analyses will build on robust software and analysis tools (e.g, the iDST) and will proceed through the obvious and necessary steps: complete detector calibration, correction of hardware related issues (e.g, TPC cross talk), Monte Carlo, validation of reconstruction algorithms and assessment of performance. (In the HARP life-cycle there have been various iterations of the software project, a large-angle analysis project, and three phases of the analysis project foreseen since its kick-off: for simplicity they will all be referred in the following under the term "HARP Software&Analysis"). Results and Strategy The HARP software&analysis started in August 2000 and allowed a successful data acquisition already for the Technical Run of end September 2000. With the constant feedback and contribution of detector experts, software&analysis have progressed regularly as documented in SPSC reports, allowing in different cases: - to anticipate hardware-related problems (such as beam intensity effects on NDCs), - to understand quantitatively efficiency problems (such as the FTP paradox with the Monte-Carlo), - to reveal the existence of critical problems (such as the X-talk in the TPC in the LA analysis project), - to produce the first preliminary physics results in Spring 2002 (successfully defending HARP in front of the CERN Research Board referees in view of the second year of data taking). The software&analysis have then turned toward a physics publication oriented strategy since fall 2002, with a renewed structure outlined in the memorandum approved by the Collaboration Board in July 2002. Three phases have been defined at the kick-off meeting, including: - calibration of all sub-detectors - detector performance assessment - physics analysis. The first phase is well under way. Calibration ntuples are being produced and are being analyzed by detector experts. Detector calibration --an essential precondition for any serious physics analysis-- will, therefore, be completed within the next very few months. The next essential precondition for a sound physics analysis is a set of tools, such as the iDST and Harp Analysis Package. These will allow distributed analysis in all HARP institutes, and will permit a very fast turn-around of results. We note that every high energy physics experiment has based the analysis on tools such as DSTs and programs running on them. The production of analysis tools is also well advanced and starts now to involve a relevant fraction of institutes, thus, accelerating the process. As an example, since the proposal of the iDST, less than two months ago, the iDST concept has been prototyped, its contents defined, and we are now entering the implementation phase, with the participation of CERN, Geneve, Oxford, RAL, Roma, Sofia and the MiniBoone group. In addition to its relevance for the analysis, the current work is proving to be very useful to improve the distributed-responsibility philosophy on which we must base our (present and future) efforts. In order to produce reliable papers, it is also mandatory to understand, correct (and quantitatively assess the residual effects after the correction) our hardware-related problems, most relevant of which is the TPC cross talk (possibly hiding other ones). This in turn, requires a detailed Monte-Carlo modeling of those effects (which also serves to quantify the detector response, e.g, what exactly is the uncertainty in the position measurement introduced by the cross talk w.r.t. to other effects). Obviously, these Monte Carlo studies, need to be complemented and expanded with the study of selected data sets (e.g., in the case of the TPC cross-talk, Krypton data, cosmic-ray data, etc.). The next unavoidable step is the correct assessment of detector performance (for example reconstruction efficiency as a function of angle, multiplicity and momentum) and the selection of the best available algorithms (e.g. for pattern recognition in the forward region). Indeed, high quality track reconstruction algorithms exist for all tracking detectors (beam chambers, TPC, drift chambers). Their performance, of course, depends on the hardware performance of the tracking detectors. After a first understanding of these performances, it was recognized that better reconstruction tools had to be developed. And, in fact, the last months have been dedicated to e.g. the development of the Kalman package which is now operational. The program outlined above requires a minimum time which can be optimized with sufficient manpower and proper management. With the current resources we estimate that sound physics results can be achieved in a time scale of nine months. However, with sufficient involvement from all HARP institutes, this time can likely be reduced to about six months, provided that an effective management process is established. This is consistent with the expectations of our clients (e.g. MiniBoone and K2K collaborations, which need a 5% precision result in the timescale of one year). It appears certainly possible to produce a result for the first SPSC after the summer, if required. We want to remind everyone that CPU time for production is not an issue. For example the full production for the Large Angle analysis (three settings) could be repeated overnight. Of course, another style is possible, and can lead to results. If one would put as requirement that the first result would be available as fast as possible, modifications to this strategy are needed. However, rushing to a fast publication, will prevent us from developing analysis tools that make a broad participation possible, and will discontinue a delicate and sound program to obtain robust and reproducible results. In exchange we will only achieve a mediocre result, the motivation and usefulness of which is highly contestable. In addition, there is a definite risk that the quickly obtained result would have to be revised later due to subsequently improved detector understanding, thus undermining the credibility of the collaboration. Note that the core team of the analysis and software projects could take on such a fast publication program, given their expertise on the existing reconstruction and analysis tools. However, the price to pay would be to a) interrupt or seriously disrupt the calibration process, which would then be very hard to re-start at a later date, b) delay the availability of the tools permitting broad participation in the analysis. In our opinion, this is a too heavy toll to pay, in order to anticipate publication just by a couple of months. Along these lines we believe it is essential to set up a mechanism which assesses the level of reliability of the papers to be submitted for publication such as for instance an editorial board whose composition and mission should be discussed by the Collaboration Board. Finally, we believe HARP can produce excellent physics publications with timetables and deadlines completely and only driven by the required quality of its analysis and deep understanding of its detectors. Addendum (on publication time scale) ---------- It has been pointed out that the software and analysis effort is too slow. In order to shed some light onto this statement, it is illustrative to consider the cases of two recent experiments, whose characteristics remind to some extent those of HARP. NOMAD ----- This was an experiment searching for (numu(nue) -->nutau) neutrino oscillations. The experiment was approved in '91, originally for a two year period, that was later extended by two more years. Data taking started in '94 and extended up to '98. We note the following facts: a) There was a period of three years between approval and start of data taking that allowed, among other things, for extensive software development. b) During the "active" (data taking) life of the experiment there was time to correct for hardware problems (e.g, bubbles in the drift chambers) and compensate with more data. c) The long running period, also allowed for extensive detector calibration and further software and analysis refinements. The first physics papers, were published in 1998. Since that date there have been more than twenty NOMAD papers. CHORUS ------ This experiment was also designed to search for neutrino oscillations. The experiment was approved in '91, and took first data in '94. Data taking (with emulsions) ended in '97. First physics results were published in '97, while the most prolific year in terms of physics publications up to now was 2002. The expectation is to double the number of publications in the coming 15 months. In summary, for NOMAD the first physics paper was published 7 years after the approval and 4 years after the start of data taking. Similarly, for CHORUS the first physics paper was published 6 years after the approval and 3 years after the start of data taking. If HARP will publish the first physics paper by the end of this year, this would be just 3 and a half years from approval and 2 years from the start of data taking. Simone Giani Juan Jose Gomez Cadenas Jaap Panman